There will always be that one guy where no matter how much he Hurts you and makes you Cry you'll never be able to Let Him Go
miranda's world
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Sunday, March 20, 2005

Two entries in one day! This is a first for me

I feel a little better, now.

Thanks, everyone, for this morning, and church was a big help. It seemed like everything at mass was talking to me this morning.

Can't wait for Easter, next Sunday.

Sometimes I wish that you could see
The way you look at me
If you only saw things through my eyes
Would you finally understand
Or just like grains of sand
Would it slip right through our hands
Time will keep moving on and on

I don't wanna lose you
But maybe I might have to
It's all I really can do
To save myself
Is this what it's come to
Deep inside we both knew
The day would come I'd have to
Save myself

Love that lifts you up I've found
Can also wear you down
If you could only hear my prayer
I tried to fly without my wings
But there's so many things
That were left up in the air
Time will keep moving on and on

You reach a point in life
You have to decide
Between what you want
And what you need to survive

 Posted 3/20/2005 at 3:20 PM


Randy, I know everyone always says McGuire's on Fire! (where did that come from, anyway?) but I'm sure Lizzie won't mind sharing some of that glory with you. Because, girl, YOU are on fire! You just keep these songs coming! It's amazing what you've got inside you and your ability to let it out in beautiful lyrics and beautiful music.

Can I gush for a minute here? I am so proud to know you and be your friend. You are a true friend and a true talent and I'm positive you're going to go as far as you want to go with your music. Enough for now. I'm teary eyed. Love you!


Posted 3/20/2005 at 5:20 PM by candyissweeter


Thank you, Candy. You just...don't know how much I've depended on you, lately. My fingers are touching my screen; touch yours, and I have a new sister.

The Fire is just a slogan that she used, when she ran for class president in middle school, and it stuck.

Posted 3/20/2005 at 8:00 PM by mirandasworld


Hehe! Yeah, I remember Lizzie running for class prez and she stood up to that big jerk that was stealing some kids lunch money. Go, Lizzie! You should have won, not Tudge

And I agree with Candy---you got it, Miranda! I love your songs and can't wait for you guys to start playing out so I can hear them live.

Posted 3/20/2005 at 8:14 PM by freckleme


Me too! When do we finally get to hear your band?

Posted 3/20/2005 at 8:29 PM by borderlinenerd


If we can find a drummer, maybe I can add something to the main page.

Posted 3/20/2005 at 11:41 PM by mirandasworld