There will always be that one guy where no matter how much he Hurts you and makes you Cry you'll never be able to Let Him Go
miranda's world
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

So depressed.

Trey's potential drummer stood us up. Didn't even show up. What is it about freakin' drummers? They are so...undependable.

Well, on a good note, Lizzie and Gordo have informed me that they've both gotten off work for Friday, and want to take me shopping, to get my mind off everything. I think I might need it by then. Thanks, guys. You rock.

[1. Name/nickname] Miranda/Candy calls me Randy
[2. Birthday] August 25
[3. How old are you? Do you like your age?] 16, wanna be 17, same as Gordo
[4. Astrological sign?] Virgo (no jokes, please) but I don't really follow that stuff
[5. Where were you born?] Sisters of Mercy
[6. How many siblings do you have? Do you get along with them?] 1 little sister, whom I adore. She's really too young to get under my skin, right now.

[7. What school do you go to?] North Hillridge High School
[8. What school are you going to after your finished with this one?] UCLA
[9. Are some of your friends going to that school with you?] Don't know yet. Lizzie might, CJ and Gordo probably won't. Don't know about Bethany.
[10. Who is your best friend(s)?] Lizzie and Gordo.
[11. What are your school colors/mascot?] Navy and Silver/Panthers
[12. Do you/your friends have school spirit?] sometimes, if someone from another school tries to put us down, but it's not a competitive kind of thing, where my school always has to be the best.
[13. Do you like your school?] I like most of the students. Wish they offered more than one year of French.
[14. Have you ever ditched class by yourself?] By myself? No. *whew*
[15. Have you ever ditched with your friend(s)?] *drat* errr....yessss.
[16. Have you ever dropped a class?] We can't do that.
[17. Ever skipped a whole day of school?] Went to Mexico with my family in the eighth grade.
[18. Ever gotten suspended?] nope.

[19. Ice cream:] cookie dough
[20. Color:] silver
[21. Beverage:] Mountain Dew Code Red
[22. Number:] ?
[23. Famous person:] This week? Tom Welling.
[24. Website:] you're here
[25. Football team:] UCLA, Arizona, Alabama
[26. Basketball team:] UCLA
[27. Baseball team:] PADRES!
[28. Sport overall:] Soccer, bowling (sorry, private joke)
[29. Food:] pizza and sopapilla
[30. State in the U.S.:] Colorado
[31. Flower:] White Rose
[32. Subject in school:] History
[33. Type of music to listen to:] any kind .
[34. Music artist(s):] too many to name
[35. Weather condition:] I'm a sun-bunny.

[36. Gone fishing?] once. baaaadddd experience
[37. Went camping/to camp?] yep
[38. Been on a cruise?] yep
[39. Watched the movie "Titanic"?] 31 times
[40. Went caroling at Christmas-time?] yep
[41. Snuck out of your house at night?] I plead the fifth.
[42. Stolen your best friend's boy/girlfriend?] NO!
[43. Stolen anything?] It's complicated
[44. Went skydiving?] noooo . but I want to.
[45. Been to ground zero where 9/11 happened?] one day
[46. Been to more than 5 states in the U.S.?] yes
[47. Voted in a presidential election?] hello? 16?
[48. Met a really really famous person?] yes
[49. If so, who?] Aaron Carter, Frankie Muniz, Chris Rock
[50. Been to a professional sports event (i.e NFL game)?] lots

**DO YOU... (random)**
[51. Own a LIVESTRONG bracelet?] no
[52. Know someone personally/related to someone who is famous?] yeah
[53. Know the Muffin Man?] lol...yea
[54. Like strawberry-kiwi flavored things?] yesssssss .
[55. Like sarcasm?] big time
[56. Pre-judge people?] sometimes, but I'm usually right
[57. Have a short-attention-span or sometimes think you do?] I'm sorry. What did you say?
[58. Think you were blonde in your past life or blonde now?] nah
[59. Get bored easily?] yeaa .
[60. Like surveys?] SURE
[61. Hate when surveys are over?] NO

 Posted 3/22/2005 at 4:16 PM


I'm with you on Tom Welling, but Titanic 31 times????? I don't get it. Leo is not THAT cute.

Posted 3/22/2005 at 5:20 PM by candyissweeter


meh. I was 10 when it hit Blockbuster!

Posted 3/22/2005 at 5:41 PM by mirandasworld


Yes he is!!!!!!

Posted 3/22/2005 at 7:17 PM by ladybug


White roses.... I love them too.

Posted 3/22/2005 at 7:42 PM by freckleme


Hey, cutie. How have you been spending your lonely spring break?

Listen. I've been thinking about you.

Ryan and I are going out to Cumberland's Thursday night. Why don't you join us?

If you want, you can bring your boyfriend, and we'll make it a double date.

Oh, that's right. You don't have a boyfriend, do you? Why is that, again?

Something about you Catholic girls, I guess.

Posted 3/22/2005 at 9:30 PM by brightpinklady


Remember, Randy, no distractions. Not worth it. And no need to respond. God will get her for dissin' the Catholic girls.

Posted 3/22/2005 at 10:56 PM by candyissweeter


I'm an eagle.

Posted 3/22/2005 at 11:18 PM by mirandasworld