There will always be that one guy where no matter how much he Hurts you and makes you Cry you'll never be able to Let Him Go
miranda's world
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Saturday, March 26, 2005

Arrrgggh! So much has happened the last two days! Sorry I haven't updated, but you guys get all the news in one scoop, so everything's good.

First of all, yesterday was a blast!

We saw Brittany at the Galleria and she looked like she hadn't slept in two days. As she walked past us in the food court, Lizzie let her new top slip out of the bag, so Brittany would know she got the last one. Oops!

And then, after letting me stop by for confession (Good Friday, you know), we went on to Lizzie's, but once we got there, we got a little...sidetracked. Matt? One word of advice? When it comes to girls, don't let the little head do the thinking for the big head, okay?

So we scratched that idea and went back to my house to watch dvd's all night. But guess who was waiting on us? Ethan! For you guys out of town, Ethan is like the starting quarterback. And he drives a really awesome car. He's kind of cute, I guess. But anyway, he said he had heard that we were looking for a drummer, and guess what? He plays. Is that crazy? I've known him since, like, what, grade school? And I had no idea!

Well, at first, I wasn't sure he was all that great a fit, cause he's this, athlete, and all, which is so not us, but hey, Lizzie convinced me that this was this huge gift horse, and if I started checking his teeth, I was a little bit crazy. So I invited him to today's practice.

Guys, he was freakin' awesome. I was crying. He was playing on this old set of drums, that we had scrounged up, and even on a set he was unfamiliar with, he rocked our world. And listen: he's got Rolands.

So SUCK on that, Ryan!

Now, guys, say hello to dark journey's new All-Star drummer, Ethan Craft!

And finally, on the way back from practice, some stupid things happened between me and Lizzie, and Gordo too. And I just want to say this, just to them.

Guys, I'm sorry for some of what I said, more for the way I said it. But I think you guys said some things you shouldn't have said, too. I hope you can forgive me, and I know I'm ready to forgive you, if you want. But in another sense, I still think I'm right. I still need to make my own decisions. And if I screw up, then I guess I just screw up. And if so, I hope you'll be there for me, because I'll always need you. That'll never change. And that's all I'm gonna say, about that.

Oh, and SA? Don't let the doubters chase you away. You don't have to stop, if you don't want to. Yeah, it's a little scary, but scary doesn't always have to be bad.

 Posted 3/26/2005 at 3:58 PM


OMG! Ethan Craft is your drummer? I know him! I am so coming to your shows now!

Posted 3/26/2005 at 4:27 PM by borderlinenerd


Ethan! Hot!

I'd like to suck on his teeth.

Posted 3/26/2005 at 4:48 PM by piratess


S.A.? Secret Admirer? I don't think so.

Nice try, Sexy Legs. Writing messages to yourself, now, in a pathetic bid for attention?

And Ethan Craft? Oh, pinch me, I must be dreaming. Ethan Craft has all the intelligence of a cardboard box. Good luck with that.

Posted 3/26/2005 at 5:19 PM by iblong2u


Are you sure about that, Ryan sweetie? He was smart enough to tell Miranda about your bullshit.

Posted 3/26/2005 at 8:35 PM by pwk_lilsis


Can't you ever get a date on Saturday night? What are you, a nun?

Posted 3/27/2005 at 12:03 AM by iblong2u


Second warning, Malone.

Posted 3/27/2005 at 2:20 AM by Director_G