There will always be that one guy where no matter how much he Hurts you and makes you Cry you'll never be able to Let Him Go
miranda's world
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Okay, I'm gonna try this thing.

We're now a model family for cable internet! Goodbye, AOL! I'll miss you!

No I won't.

So the speed of my internet is...inCREDible. I can actually listen to music. Like real music. Not that bing-bing-boop stuff.

Now here's the deal: if anybody else signs up for this and gives them my name (well, my dad's name, but whatever), we get 10% off for the next three months. Oh, and if you hit them up, ask for James to install. He was cool. He set us up with some gadgets that not everyone gets.

And the best thing about putting AOL in my rear view mirrow is that I can finally have a blog that looks the way I want.

So, anyway. Well, check out the profile page. My name is Miranda, as you can probably tell. I'm 16. I like to sing, and I can play several instruments. I'm trained in violin, and taught myself guitar and keyboard.

And I soooo want to learn sax, cause I think it's awesome.

Oh, okay. So.

I want this to be a journal. A journal of a journey. I've always had a dream of starting my own band one day, and some friends and I have been kind of half-ass jamming for a couple of months. But then, get this, my parents saw how much I've been putting into this, and they gave me this awesome set-up for Christmas, a mixing board, and Peaveys, pro mikes and lavaliers, and everything. It costs tons (they had been thinking about getting me a new car, to give you a clue), so I better not disappoint them, huh?

Sorry. I don't usually ramble like this. Okay, maybe a little.

Anyway, I think I want this to record my thoughts and feelings as I struggle (yeah, I know it's going to be a struggle at first) for the first few months. I think it'll help me get my **** together, which should help me with the songs I want to write. And I'd like for you guys to be here, with me, on my dark journey.

Do you like me?

 Posted 1/18/2005 at 8:53 PM


I adore you! Where did you get this design from?

It rocks!

Posted 1/18/2005 at 9:28 PM by pwk_lilsis


Your dark journey? Hmmmm....

Posted 1/19/2005 at 7:03 PM by candyissweeter


Gordo helped me set up the account, but he's not so hot with design. Most of the look of the page is mine, but Krista helped me do the coding, that turns my ideas into a web page. She's an intern at my uncle's company, and she's taking web design at sdsu. Call me and I'll give you her cell.

Posted 1/19/2005 at 11:03 PM by mirandasworld


How much does it cost?

Posted 1/20/2005 at 4:01 PM by Director_G


The internet? I dunno.

My parents got it cause it includes the phone service. Plus, it's on some package deal that includes all the Padres games, so Daddy was sold.

The cable guy—James or whatever—said that at parts of the day, the cable company sloooowwws down the internet, but he put this clip on the line into my computer, so I'm all speed, all the time.

He was sorta cute, and a little flirty. You'll have to find a different way to get on his good side.

Posted 1/20/2005 at 4:09 PM by mirandasworld


Doubt it. My folks would never go for it. We're not rich like you guys.

Posted 1/20/2005 at 4:11 PM by Director_G


Please. I still take out the trash every night.

Posted 1/20/2005 at 4:09 PM by mirandasworld


Miranda, my love, I don't offer this to just anybody, but I really like you, so I'm gonna take you under my wing. Don't worry about a thing. I'll teach you everything you always wanted to know about making out.

Posted 1/30/2005 at 11:41 PM by onetoomany




SAX, Trey. I want to learn saxophone.

Posted 1/31/2005 at 7:01 AM by mirandasworld