There will always be that one guy where no matter how much he Hurts you and makes you Cry you'll never be able to Let Him Go
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Name: Miranda Sanchez
Country: United States
State: California
Metro: San Diego
Birthday: 08/25/1988
Gender: Female

Interests: Gah, uh, music...Weezer, Korn, Alejandro Sanz, Eagles, Dave Matthews Band, Green Day (woo hoo!), Dashboard Confessional, Shakira, Blink 182, Incubus, Steve Miller Band, Sin Bandera, 311, Yellow Card, Maroon 5, Ricky Martin (shut up! I crush on him), Goo Goo Dolls, Jack Johnson, SOAD, Bangles, Tori Amos and more. See my profile for other stuff.
Band Influences: Tori Amos, Smashing Pumpkins, Mystyc Spyral, Sarah McLachlan
Expertise: I am most experted at recognizing hotties on obscure tv shows, and I'm also an official Life Coach for Bowlers
Occupation: Student & Musician (my mom says in that order)
Industry: Rebel

Email: email me
AIM: searching4u911

Member Since: 1/17/2005

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Saturday, January 29, 2005

There's so much more

Hey World! I am so in love with Ryan!

Everyone tells me it's just his looks, but it's so much more.

Every time I talk to him, my heart goes craziiii

He's funny, and thoughtful, and just perfect, and so sweet you wouldn't believe it.

He's dedicated to the band, and to his family (even his little brother), and to me

I sleep with my cell phone on the night stand, just next to my bed, and every morning, he wakes me with his call. We lie in bed, and yawn, and I giggle, and we talk, and for just a moment, I can believe he's there with me.

He's one of those guys where your favorite class is the only one you have with him, and when I see him in the hallway, and he smiles at me, omg, it's like I melt...

I love you, Ryan!

Monday, January 24, 2005

(((Chapter 1)))
Does your boyfriend give you weird nicknames? Nope
What is your REAL name? Miranda
Do you appreciate it? Sure
What is your name as it appears on your Birth Certificate? Sanchez, Miranda Isabella
Do you prefer your middle name to your first name? Not really. I mean I like it, but when people say it, they run it all together, like mirandaisabella
Has anyone made fun of your name? Yes, she-who-will-not-be-named
Does anyone ever misspell your name? Not Miranda
How old are you? 16
What season were you born in? Summer
Does this season suit you? Yeah, I'm a child of the sun
Were you late or premature? Two days late, does that count?
How did you celebrate your last birthday? There wasn't much of a "celebration." My parents took me to a nice restaurant, about two weeks later.
Do you still live in your hometown? Yep
What kind of town is it? Blink and you'll miss it. Spring Valley. Everyone says it's San Diego, but it's really more of a bedroom community. We're actually almost 45 minutes from downtown.
Is it famous? You've never heard of it.
What is your nationality? American, but both my parents are Mexican.
Are you proud of it? You bet.
What does your voice sound like? I don't know. Maybe you should ask someone else.

(((Chapter 2)))
How much do you care about clothes? a lot
What was the last item of clothing you bought? converse sneakers
Could you spend hours in a dressing room, trying on clothes? i have
What do you spend most of your money on? clothes, but cd's are up there
How important is your appearance to you? kind of important. i wouldn't want anyone to think i was a slob.

Describe your:
Hair: just over my shoulders, not curly, but not stringy straight, either
Eyes: brown
Body shape: pretty average, i guess.
What shampoo and hair conditioner do you use? strawberry suave
Is it a special type of stuff? huh?
Do you read in the bath? well i've been known to do my homework in the bath, does that count?
Do you prefer showers to baths? showers
What shower gel or soap do you use? okay, down, tiger. you're getting a little personal now.
What time of the day do you shower/bathe? matt? is this you?
Do you blow dry or air dry your hair? air, when i have the time
What color is it? dark dark brown
What color is your bathroom? you have some kind of fetish over bathrooms, don't you?
What do you sleep in? a bed

(((Chapter 3)))
Bold what applies to your personality
Tough cookie
Manic depressive
Laid back
Easy going
Color blind
Easily offended
Open minded

(((Chapter 4)))
When was the last time you were asked out? last saturday
Are you single or taken? taken
Where do you like to have sex? okay, there aren't going to be any questions about sex
When was the last time you had sex?
What are your favorite positions? eeeewwww yuch
Ever done it in public?
What are your sexual fantasies? you guys can't believe that anyone's going to answer that one, just so you can get your jollies
What has been the weirdest compliment you have ever gotten? ok, that's not sexual, right? let's see. the astonishing number of places that i'm ticklish in.
Who was it from? gordo

Friday, January 21, 2005

Don't Blame Me

Well, we have a name for the band. Candy read my opening journal entry down there, and fell in love with the idea of going on my "dark journey." So she's been campaigning for the name dark journey. Ryan and Austin got on board immediately. Well, Austin maybe more immediately than Ryan, but Austin's kind of dark anyway. (Don't lie, Austin. You are. You know it. lol). Trey and Bethany were kinda "eh," over it, but when Brody came to practice today, and said he'd thought about it last night, and it was starting to make sense to him, and maybe he could write a song about it, well, of course, Bethany's going to follow Brody's lead, so... (meow!).

But, anyway...See, I'm not so sure about it. We're not really...dark, like blackest night dark, you know? We're more kinda like, love songs, and sad songs, and poignant stuff, like, life can be dark, but it can be good, too, you know? That kinda stuff? But, it's pretty much 5-2, so probably dark journey, we'll be. Candy even wants me to go back to that first post and capitalize the Dark Journey, so it'll look like I was foreshadowning all along. But I don't even want to capitalize the name of the band in its real "band" name. I think lower case says it, says where we are. We're still growing. I'm still growing. I don't know how tall I'm gonna be yet, or how high I can reach. I'm not a...not a capital, yet, I guess. So, I'm breakin' all the rules of grammar. What can I say? I'm a rebel.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

There's something about Miranda...

Rumors are so stupid. It started in AP English.

For those of you that don't know, I go to North Hillridge. Lizzie and I have AP English second period. We had a test, and I finished it, so I put my pencil down and look up, and Lizzie's looking at me. So I just *mwah* blew her a little kiss, and she returned it. It's like, no big deal, guys. We do that stuff all the time.

So then we're at lunch, and Gordo says, "I think you have a fan club." He notices that these sophomore boys sitting two tables away keep looking at me, and huddling together and whispering, and then sneaking peaks back at me. So of course, I check to make sure my bra strap hasn't fallen off my shoulder, and I ask Lizzie if there's something on my face.

And then these two seniors, Mallory and Madison, walk past our table carrying their lunch trays, looking straight at me and raising their eyebrows.

You see what's happening, right?

As I'm entering Biology with CJ, Liam (he's a cute Swedish exchange student) comes up to us and says, "Is it true that you're lesbisk?" (I guess Swedes can be pretty blunt that way).

CJ was like, "what?"

So I put my arm around her waist and said to Liam, "You got a problem with that?"

CJ just gawked, and Liam stammered, "No, I think is nice?"

I smiled and said, "Is nice."

So by the end of the day, half the school had heard that I was a lesbian, and that Lizzie was probably lesbian, too, because she ate lunch with me. Gordo, too.

So it was weird. I tried to make fun of the situation, but it really wasn't that funny, you know? I mean, I think attitudes at our school are pretty relaxed when it comes to all the orientation stuff, but next time, the rumor might be about something that goes too far. It's just weird, how people are so quick to believe something, something that doesn't really make sense.

I mean, Hello! I have a boyfriend!

I'm straight LIAM!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Okay, I'm gonna try this thing.

We're now a model family for cable internet! Goodbye, AOL! I'll miss you!

No I won't.

So the speed of my internet is...inCREDible. I can actually listen to music. Like real music. Not that bing-bing-boop stuff.

Now here's the deal: if anybody else signs up for this and gives them my name (well, my dad's name, but whatever), we get 10% off for the next three months. Oh, and if you hit them up, ask for James to install. He was cool. He set us up with some gadgets that not everyone gets.

And the best thing about putting AOL in my rear view mirrow is that I can finally have a blog that looks the way I want.

So, anyway. Well, check out the profile page. My name is Miranda, as you can probably tell. I'm 16. I like to sing, and I can play several instruments. I'm trained in violin, and taught myself guitar and keyboard.

And I soooo want to learn sax, cause I think it's awesome.

Oh, okay. So.

I want this to be a journal. A journal of a journey. I've always had a dream of starting my own band one day, and some friends and I have been kind of half-ass jamming for a couple of months. But then, get this, my parents saw how much I've been putting into this, and they gave me this awesome set-up for Christmas, a mixing board, and Peaveys, pro mikes and lavaliers, and everything. It costs tons (they had been thinking about getting me a new car, to give you a clue), so I better not disappoint them, huh?

Sorry. I don't usually ramble like this. Okay, maybe a little.

Anyway, I think I want this to record my thoughts and feelings as I struggle (yeah, I know it's going to be a struggle at first) for the first few months. I think it'll help me get my **** together, which should help me with the songs I want to write. And I'd like for you guys to be here, with me, on my dark journey.

Do you like me?

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