There will always be that one guy where no matter how much he Hurts you and makes you Cry you'll never be able to Let Him Go
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Name: Miranda Sanchez
Country: United States
State: California
Metro: San Diego
Birthday: 08/25/1988
Gender: Female

Interests: Gah, uh, music...Weezer, Korn, Alejandro Sanz, Eagles, Dave Matthews Band, Green Day (woo hoo!), Dashboard Confessional, Shakira, Blink 182, Incubus, Steve Miller Band, Sin Bandera, 311, Yellow Card, Maroon 5, Ricky Martin (shut up! I crush on him), Goo Goo Dolls, Jack Johnson, SOAD, Bangles, Tori Amos and more. See my profile for other stuff.
Band Influences: Tori Amos, Smashing Pumpkins, Mystyc Spyral, Sarah McLachlan
Expertise: I am most experted at recognizing hotties on obscure tv shows, and I'm also an official Life Coach for Bowlers
Occupation: Student & Musician (my mom says in that order)
Industry: Rebel

Email: email me
AIM: searching4u911

Member Since: 1/17/2005

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Friday, February 4, 2005

Why Didn't He Call?

Omygod. Lizzie just called me, and said that Gordo's mom is in the hospital. They think it might be pneumonia (sp?).

That's why he wasn't at school yesterday. They checked her in, before dawn, Thursday morning. Gordo told Lizzie that his mom was doing better this morning, than she was yesterday. My dad says that you can get pneumonia by getting a cold and not treating it, and going out and running around like everything's okay. And that's so Mrs. Gordon. The woman's like, Einstein-level brilliant, but then, sometimes, doesn't think about herself. She was probably running some big program for their synagogue, after seeing patients all day, every day.

I'm rambling, I guess to cover up how I feel. He called Lizzie this morning and woke her up, and that's when she called me. Gordo, why didn't you call us? You know I'd do anything for you, ANYTHING. Why couldn't I have been at the hospital with you last night? I could have brought you something to eat. I would have sat with you, ALL NIGHT. You know that. I'm always here for you, always. We both are. And I don't want another day to ever pass, without you calling me, and if you don't, I'm tracking you down, buddy.

Well, anyway, rant over. Lizzie and I are going out to the hospital straight from school. And you've got some 'splaining to do, Lucy.

Thursday, February 3, 2005

I worry too much

Things are okay with Ryan. He didn't wake me this morning, and I was just sick. I couldn't understand what was happening. All this drama over one little comment about me and him. And then I didn't see him all morning, but he cut History to eat lunch with me and Lizzie. His cell phone battery is completely dead, so that's why I couldn't reach him. And he doesn't have a phone in his room anymore, because his parent's caught him surfing porn sites on the internet, so they gave him a choice, lose the bedroom computer, or lose the phone, cause he wasn't going to have any more internet access in his room, so that meant

Sorry about that. Gordo keeps telling me I talk in these long run-on sentences, and I guess I write that way sometimes, too.

Anyway, what all that means is that without a cell phone, we couldn't have our bedly conversation this morning, so I've been able to breathe again, since lunch.

But, Candy's still not talking to him, after that little row at practice, yesterday, so he still has to make up with her. *sigh* You're such a baby, sometimes, Ryan. But you're my baby.

Gordo wasn't at school today. So I missed him :pout:

Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Tale of Two Moments

Man, Brody really came through. He's written a dynamite song, almost an anthem, called "Journey Through the Dark", and it's about this guy who goes through Hell (with a capital H), to be with the girl he loves. I mean the lyrics send chills down my spine. You guys are gonna die when you hear it. Bethany was crying.

And then Ryan had to get in some stupid ass argument with Brody, over just nothing.

Ryan, nobody meant anything by it, okay? I've tried calling you, but you won't answer your cell. Please just call me, okay? I'll try to stay up late, okay? I love you.

Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Just Flying By

Can't stay long! I'm in from school, then out again, for practice.

Brittany Novak, Ryan's old gf, has been saying nasty things about me at school, so at lunch today, Candy sat with her and distracted her, while Lizzie snuck up behind her and left a tampon dangling from the outside of Brittany's purse. She was late finishing her lunch, and had to rush out of the lunchroom to Biology with that tampon flying in the wind behind her. U-go, girls!

I'm outta here. Essay me!

Sunday, January 30, 2005

I'm coming around on this

I've been thinking about this dark journey thing, and I guess it's kind of growing on me. I mean, the journey can be dark.

Sometimes, we don't know where we're going, or how to get there, and we kind of stumble around. But that doesn't mean that there's not a light, not some kind of hope at the destination. Some of our music says I'm lost, I don't know what to do, I don't know where to turn, but that doesn't make me a bad person. That's the key, see? It's the journey that's dark, not me.

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