There will always be that one guy where no matter how much he Hurts you and makes you Cry you'll never be able to Let Him Go
miranda's world
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Tale of Two Moments

Man, Brody really came through. He's written a dynamite song, almost an anthem, called "Journey Through the Dark", and it's about this guy who goes through Hell (with a capital H), to be with the girl he loves. I mean the lyrics send chills down my spine. You guys are gonna die when you hear it. Bethany was crying.

And then Ryan had to get in some stupid ass argument with Brody, over just nothing.

Ryan, nobody meant anything by it, okay? I've tried calling you, but you won't answer your cell. Please just call me, okay? I'll try to stay up late, okay? I love you.

 Posted 2/02/2005 at 9:46 PM


OMG, Randy, I was crying too, you just didn't see me. That song is OUR song, our band's song, that makes it all official, we ROCK! That song is going to be our first big hit, wait and see.

And btw what the hell was that all about between Ryan and Brody? Guys! And they say GIRLS are temperamental (sp???) HA!

Posted 2/02/2005 at 10:22 PM by candyissweeter


I dunno.

You know more about guys than I do. Do they get pms?

I dunno. I mean, the thing that gets me, is that everything was going fine, and then it's like this big blowup. And I think Bethany thinks I'm mad at Brody. I'm not. I'm upset with Ryan. I mean, it's like he was almost looking for something to go off on.

And I don't understand what's going on with his cell. It rings and rings, and then, nothing. Dead air. No voice mail or anything. And I'm just getting really worried.

Posted 2/02/2005 at 10:26 PM by mirandasworld



Posted 2/02/2005 at 10:47 PM by silenceisgolden


Lanny, you absolutely melt my heart. You've always known just what to say, to cheer me up. I wish you were three years older.

Posted 2/02/2005 at 10:51 PM by mirandasworld