There will always be that one guy where no matter how much he Hurts you and makes you Cry you'll never be able to Let Him Go
miranda's world
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Saturday, February 5, 2005

I wanna be a card shark when I grow up

I stopped by each of Gordo's classes yesterday and collected his homework assignments, then Lizzie and I went by the hospital after school.

She wasn't as bad as I was afraid. I was worried that she would have a dozen tubes sticking out of her, but it was just this thing running under her nose, and of course, the iv that everyone gets. She was real weak, though, and you could tell that just the smile she gave us when we entered the room was an effort for her.

Gordo says that she's still coughing a lot, and she has a fever (which isn't good), but the doctor says that her other vital signs are actually improving, and that she's responding well to the antibiotics. We convinced Gordo to go to the snack bar with us, since he hadn't eaten lunch (actually, Gordo looked worse than his mom--he won't take care of himself), but even then, he wasn't going to leave the room, until his dad insisted.

We made him eat a sandwich, and afterward, he slouched in the chair, and put his head back and closed his eyes. He started telling us about how lost he felt, when his grandmother died, a couple of years ago. And how, all he could think about was how could he live, if something happened to his mom. I thought he might start to cry. I wish he would cry, but he doesn't, not ever. I've only seen him cry one time (and I'll never talk about it). I don't think he's hiding anything from us, so he can be all manly, and everything, cause I don't think he hides anything from his fellow Avengers, but I just think he won't let himself cry. And I think he'd feel a lot better, if he could, but sometimes, I don't think he can.

But anyway, when we got back to the room, Mrs. Gordon was a little bit peppier. She was arguing with Gordo's dad, telling them that she wanted them to go home and spend the night at home. She said she'd never get better, if she had to spend all her time worrying about whether her men were getting enough food and rest. We stood in support of Mrs. Gordon, in the interest of SisterHood.

So, instead of going home after the hospital, we went straight to Gordo's house, let ourselves in (we all have keys to each other's houses), and Lizzie and I cooked dinner for the Gordon men. Gordo's grandmother had taught Lizzie how to make motzah balls, and Lizzie showed me last night. We didn't make too big of a mess.

So anyway, after dinner (and I felt so...domestic...which is a nice feeling, and made me miss Ryan, but my Friday nights will always belong to Gordo and Lizzie, so Ryan will have to be patient)

Sorry, I'm doing it again. What I was trying to say is that Mr. Gordon taught Lizzie and me how to play baccarat. He also taught me how to palm a card, but then said he'd deny it, if I told anyone. So, uh, if anyone's up for a poker game next weekend, give me a buzz. Really.

Practice calls!

Oh, Coincidence of the Week: Lizzie says that Mrs. Gordon's room is right across the hall from Cody's room, last June. How weird is that?

 Posted 2/05/2005 at 9:00 AM


Haha! YOU??? Cooking matzah balls? OMG I wish I had been there to see that one! Sorry, but I don't believe you about there not being too much of a mess. How did they turn out?

I don't even know if I've ever eaten matzah balls. What are they anyway?

Posted 2/05/2005 at 3:19 PM by candyissweeter


Picture these giant, huge meatballs, but they're made out of unleavened (sp?) bread, and lots and lots of eggs, and other regular stuff. You mush 'em into a ball with your hands, then cook them in chicken soup.

Yeah, they're messy, but we didn't do that bad. A lot of the ingredients ended up on my face, but hell, I look good in matzah.

Posted 2/05/2005 at 4:01 PM by mirandasworld


Miranda, do you remember what happened when we made that mock apple pie out of saltine crackers back in middle school? Ms. Frazier's class? LOL!

Hey, glad to hear everything's going to be okay at the Gordon house.

Posted 2/05/2005 at 7:43 PM by freckleme