There will always be that one guy where no matter how much he Hurts you and makes you Cry you'll never be able to Let Him Go
miranda's world
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Monday, February 14, 2005

You might not wanna read this

Day 2. R-day minus 12.

You should probably want to go ahead and skip to my entry for tomorrow. Today is my self-pity entry.

You want to know what I did today? First, I went to first period. We watched a movie. Then, I went to second period and we had a quiz. Then I went to third period, and this boy made googly eyes at me. Then I ate lunch. I don't remember what i ate, but it didn't taste good. Then I went to fourth period, and I passed notes to Lizzie. Then I went to fifth period and listened to the teacher talk. Then i went to sixth period, and listened to a different teacher talk. Then i went to seventh period and sat at a desk in the back and put my head on the desk and closed my eyes and overheard Tanya and Ashley and every other girl in Key Club talk about where they were going with their boyfriends tonight. And then i came home, and then i did my homework. And then i tried to IM Lizzie, but she's not online tonight.

Who am i kidding? i have to be the ONLY GIRL in Southern California who's online tonight.

my life is just so...pathetic, right now. Oh, and you know what i'll be doing tomorrow? Pretty much exactly the same as today, except i probably won't have the same thing for lunch, but i won't remember it, anyway.

Really, though, i hope everyone has a happy Valentine's Day. i hope everyone's with the hunny they wanna be with. i love you all.

Especially, love you, Ryan, with all my heart.

 Posted 2/14/2005 at 8:32 PM


Randy, it's Candy, and I'm telling you, no self-pity allowed! Because guess what? You are NOT the only girl in So Cal online tonight. Hello!!!! It's me!!!

Remember when you told me about what happened in middle school, when your teacher started telling you the story about "I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man who had no feet?" and you got all upset about the guy who had no feet? Well guess what? That's me, I'm the guy with no feet.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad, sweetie, honestly, but think about it. At least you have a guy that is waiting for you,a guy can't wait to see you again. So what if you can't be together on Valentines? You will be together soon.

But what about me? I don't have anybody like that, at least not now. Sure there was Billy last year, but we all know how that turned out. One of the many frogs I have to kiss before I meet my Prince Charming, I guess.

So Ryan is your Prince Charming. At least he seems to be. But even if he's not, I got to say this to you, sis: Just keep this in mind, that when we are rich and famous and totally gorgeous rock n roll divas, guys are going to be pounding at our door and we will at last get to PICK AND CHOOSE!

At least that's my plan.

So no tears, no worries. I'll see you tomorrow.

Valentines Kisses,

Posted 2/14/2005 at 9:06 PM by candyissweeter


Oh, well, sure, if you're going to use logic.

Thanks, Candy. Maybe I needed to hear that.

But as for you, you know what's going on, don't you, Candy?

There are tons of guys (I know of three) who are dying to go out with you, but they won't ask you, cause they think you'll turn 'em down. They're convinced you're already going out, every night of the week.

Posted 2/14/2005 at 10:01 PM by mirandasworld